TOP Shamba

What is TOP Shamba about ?

Here is the farm of James Otieno and an example of fruits and vegetables , herbs that are being grown:

Spinach and Kale, in portable used cement bags. Mostly for sales and home consumption. Harvested weekly fetching approximately$ 10 a week.

We experimented with Cherry tomatoes and is a big success. We planted 10 bags that gave 20kg. We plan to do more of this as it is tasty, more alkaline and lasts longer after harvest.


The conical garden has Spinach, Night Shade, local kale, Carrots and hot pepper. Takes little water and plants roots goes deep hence good harvest on a small space.

Banana of different varieties are doing well. Those ones were weighing 28Kg and 36Kg when harvested.

Strawberry does well in bags as well as on the green wall using bottles

Herbs and spices. This one is Sage. We currently are having the following herbs, Artemisia, Scavia, Oregano, Tarragon, Sweet Basil, African Basil, Ajuga Remota, Boldo, Rossel hibiscus, etc

This is a Sage (herb). It is very important herb:commonly used for treatment of tooth ache, cuts . There are many usages.